Monday, February 25, 2013

Chai Chuan Yue and Two thousand and thirteen.

Today is monday,is a normal working & study day. The date is reminding people back to work,should throw off these holiday mood not only the sunday just gone,and also the Chinese New Year also passed. Yesterday is the last day of CNY,called 'yuan xiao'. So now,i have no any excuses to escape whatever i don't wish to do. Hehe,is time to make arduous effort to fulfill my target in 2013!!

I'm so appreciated i had a Chinese New Year celebration,especially spent a lot of time with my family. It always remind how happiness am i,remind me should appreciate everything i have, and remind me should fighting my dream with a strong heart, for my family for my own.

She is my dearest women in this world. I almost lost her in last year and i was so scared. But everything is fine now. I believe the better future is coming as we already do the right things everyday =))

I swear i wont do anything to let her down and for sure do what i should do to achieve my target.
Is time to make a wish to god.
1)all my family members may live healthy and safety always.They are my treasure.
2)Maintain my CGPA above 3.5 and my motivation is believe civil engineer is a job which is confer benefits to society.
4)Learn proper guitar lesson in music school and buy a new guitar. Purpose is i can sing many love songs in my wedding dinner for my lover. And also teach my grandson to play guitar. (what a stupid dream hahaha)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


在上个星期我跟一位爱冒险的朋友去看了一部很有水准的惊悚电影。 为什么说很有水准呢?我对电影其实很挑剔的 接下来再慢慢跟你分析这部电影的的精彩!!
这部MAMA的故事是在说一位爸爸杀了生意伙伴和他的老婆,带着两个女儿(Victoria4岁 Lily1岁)想逃跑。可是意外去到一间深山的破木屋里。那个爸爸想把两个女儿都杀掉然后自己再自杀。在那间破木屋里,就有一个女鬼救了她们,就是说把爸爸杀死了。没有了爸爸,两个单纯不懂事的小女孩,就在那间黑暗,阴森,不像人住的的破木屋生活了5年。跟她们认为的MAMA一起生活了5年。
在这部电影里,成年人的演技不在话下。两个戏里的姐妹才是真的厉害。她们两个是重点人物。令我惊叹的是两位小女孩的演技。Victoria的原名叫Megan Charpentier,Lily是Isabelle Nelisse。Victoria饰演姐姐所以比较成熟,她知道MAMA是不好的东西,想不要跟MAMA继续来往过正常的生活,也尝试教妹妹。很成功的把矛盾的心理表达出来。我个人觉得Lily的演技更geng!她的角色很阴森可怕,认定MAMA就是她的妈妈,我不知道她的爬行练了多久,总之完全不像是一个4,5岁的小女孩可以做到的事。
我在找资料的时候不小心发现,原来那个MAMA是一个男人演的!我惊讶一下。他叫Javier Botet,一位身材瘦削的西班牙的演员。好像演过很多的魔鬼妖怪。
电影的制作,场景,气氛,演员,故事实在是高水准之作。希望喜欢看恐怖片,干冒险的朋友会喜欢。 其实victoria和lily在现实生活是很漂亮的啊,实在可爱。长大了肯定会是大美女。期待她们更好的表现吧 =)